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Decompressing + Celebrating!
Photo Gallery
Decompressing + Celebrating!
2022 Fellows' Graduation Celebration
The Rooftop at the Providence G was the setting for our 2022 fellows' graduation! Our guests of honor (graduates) were Lisa Grady, DO, Megan Miller, DO, and Alison Little, MD, MPH.
Pictured L to R are: Dolapo Avungeto, MD, Megan Miller, DO (graduate), Lisa Grady, DO (graduate), Alison Little, MD, MPH (graduate), Katherine Redford, DO, Efe Okotcha, MD, Arya Batta, MD
Megan Miller, DO and Joseph Bliss, MD, PhD
Lisa Grady, DO
Alison Little, MD, MPH
2021 Fellows' Graduation Celebration
We honored our 2021 fellow graduates, Drs. Kolitz, Molinaro, and Nwanne with a celebration at the Apponaug Brewing Company!
Our graduates! L to R: Giulia Molinaro, DO / Ogochukwu Nwanne, MD, MPH / Danielle Kolitz, MD
L to R: Dr. Lechner, Dr. Molinaro, Dr. Nwanne, Dr. Kolitz, Dr. Bliss
L to R: Dr. Kolitz, Dr. Bliss --- Dr. Kolitz has joined the neonatology faculty as Assistant Professor at UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. She is Medical Director of the SCN at Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, MA.
L to R: Dr. Molinaro, Dr. Bliss -- Dr. Molinaro has joined the neonatology faculty at Crozer Chester Medical Center, Upland, PA.
L to R: Dr. Nwanne, Dr. Bliss -- Dr. Nwanne has joined the neonatology faculty at St. Mary’s Healthcare System. Athens, GA.
Dr. Nwanne's children.
L to R: Dr. Lechner, Dr. Bliss, Hoffman

L to R: Dr. Nwanne, Christine Rockwell