Led by Tomo Tarui, MD, attending neonatal neurologist at Hasbro Children's Hospital and Alison Little, MD, MPH, Leah Fox, MD, attending neonatologists at Women & Infants Hospital, Neuro NICU rounds are focused on...
Helping trainees build foundational knowledge of neuroanatomy, neuroimaging and pathophysiology and to apply this knowledge to common neurologic problems in the neonatal period.
Neuro NICU Rounds are held twice a month and are geared toward neonatal fellows, neonatologists, pediatric neurologists, pediatric and neurology residents, neonatal nurse practitioners, and nurses. We discuss a recent clinical case and provide targeted education on the topic. Examples of recent sessions include:
- Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke:
- Focused review of blood supply and major vascular territories of the brain
- Discussion of risk factors and work-up for perinatal stroke
- Neonatal Encephalopathy
- Focused review of neuroimaging, with an emphasis on basic MRI sequences and neuroanatomy of deep gray matter
- Review of classic patterns of injury in HIE, including a review of images in the index case